St Florian de la Riviere Minutes February 2017
Meeting Date: 19th February 2017
Start Time: 10:20am
Chair: Henri de Montferrant
- Acacia de Navarra
- Drake Morgan
- Kathelyne Berghart
- Nesta verch Wyn
- Wei Min Cheng,
- Ismena Gamel
- Henri de Montferrant (Seneschal)
- Ethne ingean Giric (Chronicler)
- Elenore Forresta (Constable)
- Cara of Kirriemuir
- Danni
Apologies:, Alain Quartier, Ellianna Draconia, Jessica of Fearne Abbey, Henry the Fox
Quorum met? YES
Motion to accept previous minutes by: Henri, Seconded by: Cara
Officer Reports
- Seneshal – All reports in, Thanks to everyone
- Hospit – Bazaar yesterday –
- The event did really well and redistributed the 85% that was not needed. Any items untaken will be distributed to Stegby and Burnsfield by the Baroness River Haven. Event made – $107.20 from the hospit alone.
- We have two boxes still of garb which is flexible and another box of tabards for general use.
- Still looking for a deputy – need to have a replacement by September and willing to teach and support.
- New post to go out advertising for a replacement
- Chronicler – looking for stuff to go into Dieu La Vault, any contributions welcome.
- Reeve – waiting on Paul’s westpac bank number, and the Treasurer’s (Tim) details and right to go
- Access to dropbox – dropbox will send Kara a number
- Kara has been talking with incoming Treasurers re making reporting easier for the Reeve and Steward
- March report to do together and office will hand over
- 4th box of old paperwork in the container to go to Kara, missed when the other three were given over to Nesta.
- Ann Elk has handed in outstanding report forms.
- Plan is to have all outstanding reports finalised by handover
- Sarah Pynke needs St Florian details to bank yesterday’s taking – Nesta to send to her.
Officer succession plans and deputies,
- Need replacement officers for Hospitallier, Churigeon, Historian and Captain of Archers. Each Officer to advertise their position and call for deputies.
- A&S Officer is out for commentary (one week more to go) – Jessica of Fern Abbey
- Advertising is happening in Dieu La Vault
Great Northern War Update;
- Site visit today – power issues resolved on site
- Cold room to be rented
- Jolly Duke – Enough space for at least 6 kegs in cold room– to discuss with Steward re ice / additional cold room storage space.
- Officers were called a couple of weeks ago – most are full but a few more needed, finalised soon.
- Soon to a call out for Marshalls
Festival 2017 St Florian Encampment Update
- Bookings open – 3 so far
- Facebook event to be made up
- Dieu la Vault information to go in
- Tent and portaloo book, awaiting firewood information
- Still needing an invoice from Lorcan for last year’s tent hire. Henri to chase up.
Storage Container Update,
- Made good progress last month with clean up
- Next one on 4/3/17 which will be cataloguing and boxing
- Rearrangement of shelves also to occur on Monday night to assist with Archery gear
- Wheelie bins also to be obtained for archery gear
- Old list field to go to Stegby
- Alain need reimbursement for keys cut. Previous approval applies. Alain to send receipts through to Reeve.
- Also to look at solution for Glaive Storage – another wheelie bin?
Loaner armour update
- Rufus and Ulfr are sorting people out with armour, plus commercial sites.
- Nothing further done on loaner armour
New Event proposals
- None tabled.
Any other business
- Bazaar event and 2nd Tourney of the Belt report
- 74 people through the door
- $231 collected and all balanced
- Going to contact the sellers and let them know that they are welcome at any time to come to an event
- Thank you to Kathelyn and Rufus for running event
- Mt Cootha Botanic Garden’s ‘s Shakespeare Festival – Demo on 23 April 2017
- Ann Elk to submit event proposal – this can be approved on a Monday night out of session
- Later period garb again needed
- Calendar purchased – reimbursement need for $25. Calendar purchased for event scheduling
- Henri moved, Eleanor Seconded – Passed
- Volunteer needed for data entry for Google Calendar
- Need to input event calendar
- Eleanor to coordinate data entry
- Event Proposal / Reporting
- Henri has drafted a report form
- Event proposal is a spreadsheet – filled out and sent to Seneschal for approval at a meeting, ideally more than a month before event
- After approval – Steward cut and pastes’ to online Lochac form
- Approved online by Seneschal
- Online form allows the forwards to Pegasus, Lochac Announce and Kingdom Calendar.
- Needs to be officially in Pegasus if King and Queen are going to be there and will give out awards
- When events run – constab needs to track entry and report to steward.
- Nesta to follow up re when hardcopy documents are kept after upload to drop box
- Money has to be banked within 5 days and paperwork within two weeks
- Seneschal will be chasing up stewards for event reports and banking
- Henri wants to make this simple to allow people to run events.
- Kathelyn to write her experience of running an event to encourage others to do it.
Meeting Closed At 11.27
Next meeting – Fighter Practice on 20 March at 7pm
St Florian de la Riviere Minutes February 2017 — No Comments
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