St Florian de la Riviere Minutes 16 January 2018
Meeting Date: 16th January 2018
Start Time: 7:15pm
Chair: Henri de Montferrant (Seneschal)
- Henri de Montferrant (Seneschal)
- Gabriel de Beumont
- Alain Quartier (Marshal)
- Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora
- Acacia de Navarra (Baroness)
- Drake Morgan (Baron)
- Eleanor Forester (Reeve)
- Sebastian Tockler (Hospitaller)
- Nerissa de Saye
- Alaric of Bangor
- Catarina (which one?)
- Suscenneih (?)
- Siobhan
- Niamh
- Huguette de Saint Germain (Arts & Sciences)
- Alexandria Biener
- Magret die Goldschidt
- Merewenne ingen Chonaill
- Cathy
- Julianne
- Rixenda de Ruppe
- Róisín Locha Éirne
- Cara of Kirriemuir
- Ethne ingean Giric
- Sarah Pynke
Quorum met? Yes
Motion to accept previous minutes by: Henri, Seconded by: Magret
Motion Carried? Yes
Officer Reports / Updates
- Hospitaller: Meetup update. We are halfway through 12 month trial. We are at roughly the 50 members but are concerned over lack of replies from these members. There has not been any real gain so far with only one person coming along from this platform. Agreed to finalize trial and discuss at the 12 month mark but if current trends continue we would not be continuing with this platform. Sebastian to cull list as required so as not to get charged for the next bracket.
- Constab: Discussion around whether we try and keep list of member and indemnity dates to help mitigate conflicts at sign in. No one had realized the extent of the issue until this meeting. Confidentially issues and not wanting to already load up volunteer offices saw clear support for not keeping lists. Henri to post out regarding correct procedure and make clear that onus is on the individuals to bring proof of membership and insurance.
New Event proposals
- Constanzia tabled Knights of the North. Refer attached proposal. Seconded by Eleanor, no objections, event approved.
- Gabriel tabled first War Colligea. Refer attached proposal. Seconded by Alain, no objections, event approved. (Note that interstate visitor could not come so previously approved $250 for flights is no longer required)
- Drake tabled Rowany Festival Food Fund. Refer attached proposal. Seconded by Magret.
Other Business
- Web Minister has moved to Melbourne. We need a replacement if anybody is interested. Henri to advertise.
- Continuation of regular training was re-approved for the next year. This is for Fighter practice and Arts and Sciences. Arts and Sciences was discussed and polled and agreed to move to upstairs room where there is aircon and the ceilings are taller. This costs an extra $10 a week. Prices are to remain as $5 per member. Raised by Henri, Seconded by Cara, no objections. For information, you can refer to the attached graphs of expenses that was used as part of the discussion.
- Membership trends as well as retention data was tabled and is attached below. This was for information and review purposes. Anyone who has ideas on how to improve this please contact Henri.
- Out of the Membership discussion Julianne raised advertising in local school newsletters to get more numbers of kids and parents interested in Archery. Julianne and Sebastian to work together to formulate a plan and advertisement.
- Allergies and people with them booking for events was raised. It seems people with preferences are declaring these as allergies which is making it harder for cooks to cater for real allergies. There was a lot of discussion in general about catering for allergies and Drake, in particular, is doing a lot of work in education about this issue. The minuted item out of this discussion is that it’s up to the Steward / Head Cook to decide what is catered for and that allergies don’t HAVE to be catered for. If the allergies are too risky, outside the scope of the feast or in unmanageable numbers the event team has the right not to cater for them. Off board prices will be available in those cases.
- Alaric requested additional funds for Baronial Invest outside of the original budget approval. $100 for safety ladder and $30 for an extra hour of aircon in the morning. Raised Alaric, Seconded by Acacia, no objections, funding approved.
- Alain requested $500 for four training shields (2 x heater and 2 x center grip) and two half gauntlets. Raised Alain, Seconded Constanzia, no objections, funding approved.
- Eleanor requested up to $20 to make up Constab stamp. Raised Eleanor, Seconded Acacia, no objections, funding approved.
- Baronial Audit to be coordinated by Drake, Merewenne and Sebastian and to be carried out after Baronial Invest but before Mid-Winter.
Meeting closed at 8:15pm
Next meeting – Monday Fighter Practice 12th February at 7:15pm
St Florian de la Riviere Minutes 16 January 2018 — No Comments
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