St Florian de la Riviere Minutes September 2018
Meeting Date: 19th September 2018
Start Time: 7:15pm
Chair: Henri de Montferrat
- Henri de Montferrat (Seneschal)
- Wendy L
- Sebastian Tokkler (Hospitaller)
- David L
- Julianne
- Marget die Goldschmiedin
- Alexandria Biener
- Rufus Adycote of Mynheniot (Baron)
- Tova Thorfrida Ellanemsdotta (Baroness)
- Ethne ingean Giric
- Grigorii Luchnik
Quorum met? YES If No, meeting rescheduled for:
Previous Minutes
Motion to accept previous minutes: Henri. Seconded by: Marget
Officer Reports / Updates
- Archery – Henri to update Officer Information. Henry to action Sharp training.
- Hospit – Seb updated that there still was a reasonable quantity of clothes and gear stored by Hospit that was very rarely used. Seb to start discussion on Facebook Group about this and possible actions moving forward.
New Event proposals
- Battle of Buttony Cross. Proposed at Tennyson Sea Scout Club, $300 hall hire. $10/head for 30 People. $11/head for food. Charge $25/head for the event. Raised Sebastian, Seconded Rufus, No objections. Approved.
Other Business
- Arts and Sciences asked for $50 for calligraphy and illumination supplies. Raised by Alexandria, seconded by Marget. No objections, motion still. Funding approved.
Meeting closed at 7:33 pm
Next meeting – October 15th at Monday Fighter practice (subject to GNW approval process)
St Florian de la Riviere Minutes September 2018 — No Comments
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